Planning Change Discusses How to Avoid Conflict at Work in Upcoming Seminar

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Planning Change is organizing a 100-hour mediation training program in September that will teach business owners and professionals how to resolve conflict and become a better negotiator. This mediation training program can lead to a career change into one of the country's top professions.

Every business owner knows the pain of trying to resolve workplace conflict between two star employees. Now, they can enroll in a conflict management course that teaches them how to negotiate and resolve conflict like a professional mediator.

The intensive 100-hour mediation training program begins on September 19-20th in New York City. The course will be taught by Elizabeth Clemants – the CEO of Small Business Arbitration Center of New York and founder of Planning Change.


The “How Does a Mediator Work?” Edition


How to Be a Better Negotiator at Work– and At Home